Case Study: Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub
Case Study: The Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub
At the Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST), the client’s choice of the bespoke Enterprise system was strategic and innovative.
The analysis track at BEST features a complex curved shape tunnel, requiring a solution that could integrate with the structure behind it. The Enterprise system was selected for its ability to manufacture very shallow panels with reduced size outturns. This allowed for face-fixing to the structure, concealing fixings within panel recesses, and maintaining the overall design intent. This strategic choice ensured a streamlined installation process and a visually pleasing result.
The objectives for the system were twofold: providing acoustic performance and delivering an aesthetic finish to the tunnel.
Additionally, the incorporation of several rows of concealed access panels addressed the need for regular maintenance of the specialist equipment within the structure. To further enhance functionality, custom light housings were supplied between each row of panels. These were designed to integrate with the system, conceal the structure behind, and provide support for services, demonstrating the system’s versatility.
The Enterprise system found its place in the 60-metre analysis running track at BEST, showcasing its adaptability to unique architectural demands. However, challenges arose, particularly in designing access panels that could be fully openable without being noticeable. Our team provided bespoke solutions for the design and offered on-site assistance during installation, ensuring the system’s functionality aligned with the project’s requirements.
The decision to choose our solution was multifaceted.
Not only were we able to deliver quality materials within tight lead time constraints, but we also provided full design support throughout the project. Our commitment in both product and service were able to meet the client’s needs efficiently and effectively.
Beyond the technical aspects, the project is notable for its vibrant colour scheme and its role as a world-leading high-performance sports medicine, education, and accelerated recovery centre. The Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST) was officially opened by Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM and Olympic champion Cathy Freeman OAM on November 19, 2023, marking a significant milestone in its mission to revolutionise sports and technology integration.